Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I've been in here.

This is my alma mater....after a major renovation. I visited this building about 4 years ago and got candid comments about it from more than one faculty person. There is a lot I could share about it, but what is notable to me years after being there is the office hallway. Scroll down to see a picture. While the hallway is removed from the lab and classroom spaces enough that the offices are really very private, they have windows and are clearly filled with light and a nice spaciousness. And the space does invite students in for the purpose of studying by putting an area they call the commons (essentially a small unscheduled conference room) at the end of the hallway. I like that idea.

You should have seen the VSC before has changed dramatically.

Do you like this space?

Go here:

and then click on the picture of the "Laboratory." This space looks to me like it might be suitable for teaching not only biology, but also some less-service intensive chemistry or other science classes. Do you see any reason this sort of space couldn't serve as a "general science" course that could be scheduled across the scientific disciplines?